Sunday, June 8, 2008

A good news again!

yesterday i was updating the "Events" page on our website ( and i found out there is an exhibition going on in Sharjah which has not been widely promoted (as they usually do...) till now.
and it's nothing less but an exhibition of pictures by Steve McCurry, one of the most famous photograpers on earth, mostrly known for his coverage of Afghanistan and for some beautiful works he did in Tibet, India and Nepal for National Geographic magazine.
i'm sure that when you will look at the picture below, you will recognize his work!
<--- THIS picture has been taken by Steve McCurry in Peshawar (Pakistan) in 1984 among the Afghan refugees and it has been on the cover of National Geographic and other publications (and it won some prestigious photographic prizes...). in 2002 McCurry went back to Peshawar to find the Afghan girl in the picture and his reportage on her story is also featured in the Sharjah exhibition. the exhibition "Face of Asia" will be hosted by Sharjah Art Museum (tel. +971 6 5695050) until 15th June. on friday i MUST go to Sharjah! McCurry started covering Afghanistan during the Russian invasion and, since then, he returned many times to the Country. he also covered the Iran-Iraq war, the disintegration of former Yugoslavia, Beirut and the Gulf War, plus many other Countries especially in Asia (Cambodia, Tibet, India, Nepal, Sri-Lanka, Philippines) and 9/11 in New York.
now McCurry is covering Afghanistan again (where he established Imagine Asia, an educational project together with some NGOs) and on February issue of National Geographic magazine there was a beautiful reportage he made with Phil Zabriskie among Hazara students in Bamyan (here). of course after reading The Kite Runner the whole world is now interested in Afghanistan and everybody know who the Hazaras are, but CHAPEAU! to someone like Steve McCurry who risks his life daily to let us know more about one of the unknown (and beautiful) countries in the world... even without the advertising of Sharjah Museums Authority!

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